by annie

Radio Publicity For Book Promotion

Annie Jennings PR has worked with thousands of authors looking for radio publicity. These authors include those wishing to promote their book or to share their message nationwide. Authors work with us who want the magnification of their message to help people lead better lives, solve problems and create hope for their future. Authors also find it highly beneficial for them to build up a strong and influential media bio. They want a bio that is packed with the big brand radio shows and hosts in impressive cities. Their powerful and influential media bio can help them attract new and lucrative media opportunities or speaking events.

Is radio publicity right for you?

Radio Publicity Annie Jennings PR FirmRadio Publicity

Depending on your goals, radio publicity can be very beneficial as the deliverables are valuable to everyone. Here are a few of the reasons our authors sign up with our firm for their radio talk show publicity.

If you are:

  • Looking to promote your book and more importantly, share your message. We like radio publicity as it is guest friendly and you are able to mention your book in the interview. Your free media training, from an award-winning former news producer and booker with a major network, is included free with each radio publicity campaign. Your media training teaches you what you need to know to be a great guest. You’ll learn lots of essential strategies on how to create a win for everyone.
  • Wishing to work on new thoughts, theories and ideas that are socially relevant. Radio publicity talk shows give you valuable feedback just by the direction that the show takes with you and questions the host asks. You can create new work based on the feedback from the interviews.
  • Wanting to create new media assets so shows see that you are actively contributing at a meaningful level. Keep this in mind, media can lead to other media and our clients experience this often. They tell us they get calls from other shows after being heard on the radio. In addition, when you are seeking new media opportunities, the media will evaluate you to determine if you would make a great guest or contributor to their outlet. One of the things they review about you is your media bio and how established and current it is, making it important for you to stay out in the media. Media likes to book the ‘real deal’ and a current established media bio creates certainty about who you are in the world today.
  • Marketing yourself regularly. This is important! Your radio publicity interviews are actually marketing assets can be repurposed in many ways. We will share how to best leverage your radio publicity once you are on board with us as we help you expand your success every step of the way.

Radio publicity campaigns include free unlimited media training.

Your top market radio talk show campaign includes unlimited media training that will help you be a savvy, prepared and confident guest. You also learn the skill set necessary to promote your interests during the interview. Our award-winning news producer, who is also your media trainer, helps you identify the socially relevant messages that would be of interest to the show’s listeners.

Radio publicity is easy to do, effective and high-impact book marketing exposure.

The radio interview shows are ‘phoners’ meaning that the interviews take place over the phone. The radio shows generally call you for the interview. Radio is one of the best ways to promote your book nationwide as you are being heard by the thousands of listeners of the top radio shows in the top cities in the USA. You can tour the USA with just phone calls. You can reach markets that would have been impossible for you to access without radio. Our clients tell us they enjoy the coast-to-coast exposure and the tremendous promotional value they receive by working with our firm.

The radio show interviews are author and guest friendly.

The radio shows and their hosts want you to do well on the show. The better you are, the better for the listeners and the better for their station. This is one of the top reasons why radio talk shows work with our PR firm, as they know our guests are prepared, media-trained and confident on the air.

Want listeners to know how to buy your book?

Radio publicity is a great way to let your potential reader know how they can learn more about you and buy your book. The radio talk shows allow an author to promote their interests responsibly during the radio shows.

Annie Jennings PR offers free unlimited media training with your radio publciity campaign.

When you sign up for one of our top markets radio campaign, which is all we offer, you get lots of perks. Included in your radio talk show campaign is unlimited media training from an award-winning former producer and booker for a major national network. You will learn all of the great guest skills you need to be prepared, savvy and confident for your interviews.

Since you will be prepared to deliver a compelling, interesting and what we call a ‘ratings bonanza’ interview, the hosts of the shows will be delighted. They will be happy to ask you the question, “how can our listeners find out more about you and your book?” Your media trainer will be sure that you have a well-designed and succinct answer to this question.

Your radio publicity interviews also work for you as an audition for a sale or perhaps a speaking or consulting opportunity.

Your radio listeners get the chance to sample your topic, your insights, knowledge and point of view while listening to your interview. They get to check you out in a radio interview first and then they can decide to buy your book if you are relevant to their interests. This is why your professional publicity team at Annie Jennings PR creates socially relevant segments for you that are authentic to your message and also meaningful and valuable to your listeners.

The nationally syndicated radio shows allow you to get coast to coast exposure!

And with just one phone call. These syndicated radio shows are very powerful with one show going to dozens or even hundreds of stations. Each show has a profile of the type of guest they like to have on the show as they know their audience. Their goal is to book conversations on topics they know fit in with the demographics of their listenership. Annie’s team helps you expand your conversations to qualify for the most high-impact and high-powered shows that match your credentials, experience and expertise.

Radio publicity with Annie Jennings PR.

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