by annie

TV Campaign Helps Create Thought Leader Status

From a business or career point of view, being known in your industry as an influencer and thought leader leads to major opportunities. By being a guest on a TV spot you can demonstrate your knowledge and wisdom personally with your viewers, some of whom are in a position to hire you.

One of the major ways to reach the top of your field quickly is to appear as the contributing guest on TV shows. You can do this by adding a TV campaign to your media outreach strategy. You can appear on the local TV shows in your city or in major cities and then move on to appearing on regional TV.

Your next stop could be a booking on the major national TV shows that report millions of viewers. The shows like to see a progression of bigger and bigger media on your media bio. This is because the producers have to have confidence in your abilities to be a savvy, prepared and confident guest. Previous media works in your favor especially if the media is current, such as within the past year. They will know you have the experience needed to be a great guest on their top national TV show. So get started on your way. And build your way up the TV show ladder.

Getting Booked On TV Shows Is Credibility Builder

Getting booked on these TV shows is a big deal. You don’t just walk on the set and sit down. Annie Jennings PR just makes it look easy. Guests are carefully selected according to their credentials, point of view and media history. You must qualify for the segment and be able to prove it. Our company knows how to jump you through lots of hoops in the approval process to get you on the show edging out others who wanted to get on as well. Congrats!

Get Author Publicity Annie Jennings PR

A TV Campaign Helps Build Your Platform

Potential clients or those in a position to hire you as a consultant may not know you personally, but they know CNBC or Bloomberg TV, they know CNN, they know other major media outlets such Kiplinger’s, Wall Street Journal and Business Insider. Your clients and prospective clients may feel that if you are good enough for Associated Press to quote in their lead story, well you are good enough for them. Media begets opportunity. Appearing on the TV media in both national shows and your local city shows helps close your deals and secure new money making opportunities. You create a tremendous advantage.

If you are new to being a guest on TV and wish to develop into a talented, media savvy and in-demand guest expert, we recommend you start with a radio talk show campaign. The radio shows are done via telephone. And the campaign comes with free unlimited media training. You can spend as much time as needed with a professional media trainer, also over the phone, to learn the great interview skills. Then, you can appear as a guest on the radio shows and have all of your reminders and notes handy. Radio is excellent for so many reasons that not only include high impact listenership but also acts as a training ground for moving up the media ladder. There is a strategy however, it is not complicated or even hard. Ask Annie about moving up to your highest levels of media that your topic and credentials allow.

TV Campaign Helps Create Competitive Advantage

The question is this, if it was your job to select a consultant for your company and you had the following candidates to choose from, who would you choose? Candidate A, who was seen on FOX NEWS and CNN discussing what the latest employment figures mean to our economic recovery who is also a regular columnist on and recently seen in the Wall Street Journal or New York Times or Candidate B, who has the same academic credentials but has only has their Twitter and FACEBOOK or their own blog.

Who would you hire? The expert who has the bigger media bio that showcases their skill set much better is usually in a position to seal the deal. No one who is in charge of hiring wants to hire a risky candidate and your media helps create certainty that you are the best choice. Creating certainty is a major factor in being hired for major opportunities. Big media demonstrates you have achieved national expert status that can prevail in other situations, giving you an advantage.

Get Author Publicity Annie Jennings PR

Your TV  Campaign Can Lead to Mega Opportunities

Media begets media: Many of our clients have landed additional or expanded media opportunities such as becoming a regular contributor to a major online media news site. Some have become regular experts on a TV show in their market or a regular guest on a major radio show, including the big nationally syndicated radio shows. The impact of TV is valuable and meaningful and can have millions of views. The regular guest or expert spots can be leveraged into more opportunities.

REAL PUBLICITY STORY: Client increased the demand for his services so much he TRIPLED his speaking fees and sold 50,000 books as well. Plus, he landed an ongoing segment in his hometown market. There is just no stopping him now!

REAL PUBLICITY STORY: Client landed a regular TV segment in one of the TOP 5 markets in the country (WOW!) positioning themselves as a celebrity expert. Ask yourself this question, who would you rather hire, the TV media expert or an unknown? That’s the power of TV. You earn lots of credibility, influence and clout.

MAJOR MEDIA TV BOOKINGS: Find out how you can get outstanding business promotion by getting booked on major media positioning your business as a thought leader and influencer. Want to new clients? influencer marketing with high quality media is the key!

Get Ready For Your TV Campaign By First Completing A Top City Radio Campaign

BIG CITY RADIO TALK SHOW PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN: Find out how you can get booked on radio talk show interviews in the top, most influential markets and shows in the major cities and nationally syndicated shows and networks. Share your message with people everywhere, create national expert status and enjoy rapid expansion of your ideas, messaging, reputation and clout.

A radio campaign provides you with a strong foundation of media skills that transition well to a TV appearance where you do not have notes or reminders available. Plus with a TV appearance, you have to know where to look, how to sit in the studio chairs, what to wear . . . and more. But you can get an advantage by working with us for your top markets radio campaign. With radio interviews, you will have delivered your segment numerous times and be very familiar and confident with your subject matter. The natural progression is to move on to TV appearances. Annie Jennings PR offers free unlimited media training with your radio campaign and a Skype media training session to get you ready for your TV appearance.

Annie Jennings PR specializes in helping you define your message and creates the perfect segment for you. Our radio talk show clients appear on top national TV shows as well as their local shows that target our clients’ home markets. Our clients know that appearing on TV shows creates a tremendous competitive edge as well as a celebrity status for them that is very tough for their competitors to beat.

Remember, Annie has the “blink factor”. She knows how to position you in order to get you booked. Annie knows why you are good, instantly. Annie’s team of PR professionals bring decades of experience you can’t get anywhere else. You’ll work with an established publicist who has earned a stellar reputation in the media. Beware of the pop up publicity firms as they can damage your image and brand. It takes years, and we have decades, of experience and relationship building to get everything just right for the client. Experience matters in publicity.

Tell us of your interest in getting booked on a TV campaign here. We can help you.

Get Author Publicity Annie Jennings PR
Annie Jennings PR is a top national publicity firm that books TV shows in various cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Dallas, Chicago, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Boston, NYC and lots more. Every show has a profile of the type of guest they would like to have on the show. Our PR firm helps you create your authentic messaging. And then match you to the best shows available to you, given your area of expertise, your credentials and message. We also help our clients grow into new areas that fit with their area of expertise. Our vast branding, marketing and publicity experience allows us to see our client’s potential, usually before they can see it for themselves. They come back to thank us later. Check out our real publicity stories.