by annie

Print & Online Publicity

A Print & Online Media Campaign Adds To Your Powerful Publicity Exposure

Over the years many well known print and online media outlets have built up tremendous power and influence. For authors and experts, having their name appear in one of the top newspapers or highly circulated magazines associates them with strong, powerful and well branded media names that have an impact and mega reputation in our society and are influential in your new client attraction strategy.

Print Media & Online Media Adds To The Power Of Your Brand

Print and online media of this nature supports your credibility, adds lots of influential power to your media bio and overall platform and helps earns you the position as a national expert and thought leader in your field. The thinking is, that if a major respected media outlet has chosen you to offer insight and expert commentary then the inferred message is that you are one of the major experts in your field. A successful print and online media campaign includes exposure in the major print and magazines but also in the influential media sites. Clients like the added benefit that a major online site with a high authority ranking with Google or other search engines is linking back to your site passing through authority and this, of course, is very good for your search engine optimization.

Print Campaigns Can Offer More Exposure If The Online Version Picks It Up

Yes, that’s correct, many of the stories you read in USA TODAY, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and just about any of the traditional print media may also appear in their online edition as well. Should this happen this is considered an added benefit to you as it means more exposure and outreach for you as you will appear in both editions. Of course, the linkback to your site from the online edition is powerful to your online authority. Our clients love print as it helps them reach a target audience they may not reach otherwise. Add in the possible online media that can accompany print and you have valuable media assets that can be leveraged into more opportunity.

Get Author Publicity Annie Jennings PR


Want To Build Significant Expert Status Using Print and Online Media?

Be sure to include a print campaign in your publicity strategy. A comprehensive media campaigns includes print and online media but also includes being a guest on radio talk shows on big shows in major cities and on TV shows in various cities across the country. You see how this approach builds out an author’s platform and creates a rich history of contributing to society in a variety of media. Consistency with the media is key. At our firm, we recommend continuing to contribute as long as possible to build up and stay at the top of your field.

Print Has A Tangible Factor – Creates Impression & Influence In Reader

Reaching out in all forms, being everywhere at all times, allows you to touch your market in the way that allows them to understand and respond. Some people like to “hear” your message, others like to “see” you on TV and other like to “read” your commentary in the newspaper or magazine they are holding in their hand. If you are the commenting or contributing expert in the story that the reader is very interested in that has captured their attention, you increase the chances that your audience will buy your book if you have one or perhaps contact you for speaking or consulting. Print can lead to lots of other media opportunities too. At Annie Jennings PR, we advise authors to build up in numerous areas such as the print and online media we have been discussing but also by appearing on radio talk shows and on TV shows across the nation.

Other Media – TV Shows and Radio Talk Shows– Can Pick Up Your Print Media

At Annie Jennings PR, we consider your publicity outreach to work like a wheel with many spokes. Each spokes strengthens the wheel. A strong platform (aka “wheel”) includes print, online, radio and TV media. Plus the more media you have in your media bio, the more other media can feel comfortable that you are a savvy, confident and knowledgeable expert in your field.

Appearing In Print Can Leads To Additional Distribution For Your Name & Brand

If a major news organization breaks a story where you can be the contributing experts, other media can pick up the story, including your contribution the article. This expands your exposure and can be significant additional exposure. The media covers socially relevant issues in our society right now so as an expert you want to be seen at the top, leading the story. A firm such as Annie Jennings PR consistently works with the major media outlets and many of them on a daily basis. Print media is an asset. Assets are meant to be leveraged. Media assets work in your favor as you are climbing up media ladder and they position you for even more media. We find that in many cases, major TV appearances can follow print as well as major radio show appearances.

Remember, Annie Jennings PR firm Offers Performance Guarantees & Pay For Placement Publicity

Clients love that we stand behind our offer with a performance guarantee for our radio talk show campaigns and the pay for placement publicity programs offer our clients the chance to target specific media that makes sense to their over achievement strategy. Work with Annie to access our unique pricing model that offers performance guarantees and highly targeted pitching that designed just for you!

Get Author Publicity Annie Jennings PR