by annie

Book Promotion, Author Book Marketing, Book PR

It’s finally time. After all the work you put into your book, it’s now time for the big finale. It is time to find out what your book can do for you. It is time to determine the key message points that you would like to share in your publicity outreach.

Well, get ready for a good time. There are lots of fun ways to promote your book. The first is your mindset. Stay excited! After all, this is what you have worked for, dreamed of and invest in for yourself.

Now it is time to kick it up a notch. Let’s great ready to do some book promotion.

Ready? Let’s do it!

Keep in mind one of your book’s most powerful deliverables is that it becomes a showcase of your knowledge. It also helps you build a big brand. People buy books from the trusted big brands that they know and love. The media helps authors build credibility and national expert status. This, in turn, contributed to the strength of your brand. Brands sell. Why? Readers know who they are. They have seen them on TV shows, read their quote or blog posts on a major online media site or have heard them on a radio talk show. This is why it is important to create a comprehensive media promotion strategy that includes many elements such as traditional media. Traditional media is radio talk shows, TV shows and online media outlets that once had a print presence and the emerging major online media news, general interest, feature and niche online media.

Annie Jennings PR has book promotion strategies that help you market your book while helping you build your brand, reputation, clout and influence.

What book promotion strategies work best for you?

Publicity Book Promotion Online Marketing Annie Jennings PRImpact marketing:  Ask yourself what is it you would like to achieve. And you can have many answers. With each answer comes a book promotion strategy that would be designed to help you achieve those outcomes. Here are some starter questions that many authors ask when it comes time to get your book out into the world.

Ready? Here we go!

  • Why do new book authors want a powerful book launch campaign? There are so many wonderful benefits to publishing a book so go for the gold in your book promotion strategy!
  • Do Kindle books need a special book promotion strategy? No, having a book available in multiple forms serves the reader. Be sure to create your Kindle version and Audible version too.
  • Should you publish an e-book or also publish print books?  Sure, why not? At the point of sales, it’s all about the readers and their preferred method of reading. Some like the hard copy, softcover, e-book or even the audible version so it’s best to have something for everyone.
  • How do authors find a book publisher that is best for their topic? Finding a book publisher is a labor of love for sure. Your first step is to find an agent that works in your area or genre. Many authors look at the acknowledgments section of a similar book and see what agent the author thanked. Ok good. That’s your starting point. Agents specialize. They will review your book to see what publisher would enjoy it the most. But this takes time so get ready for a year or so wait to see your book published.
  • Which media outlets deliver the most power for book publicity? Anything that reaches your target audience from appearing as a radio talk show guest, to being a TV guest, to online media and on social media. The idea is that not just one method of book promotion can get the job done for you. It is a combination of media that will help you reach as many people as possible. Think of it this way, your Instagram community will most likely be different from the audience you would reach via radio talk shows and this audience would be different from the one you would reach via online media publicity and so forth. The trick is to be “everywhere at all times” meaning combine various methods of PR strategy.
  • Which media outlets pack the most power for creating expert status? The big brand major media up-levels your media bio, credibility, influence and clout. Why do you need this high-powered expert status as part of your business growth model? This is where you would hire Annie to help you. Professional publicists usually know the strategy to bring you to your highest levels of media given your subject matter, credentials and media history.
  • What common mistakes do authors make? It starts with a mindset. The failure mindset is making every decision on how many books you will sell. With so many books on the market, you really can’t determine in advance if your book will sell or not given your methods of outreach. Do what you love in your heart and the book sales will come. Our most successful clients love the game and in turn, very good things happen. Those stuck on book sales bow out early and never experience the fun and excitement of marketing for their own enjoyment. This is when good things start to happen. Be in the book promotion game and enjoy it. This is a special time in your life so make the most of it!
  • What should every book author know about book promotion? To do it. Yes, you have to be in it to win it.
  • Are there critical mistakes you can avoid when promoting your book? Yes, a good PR strategy includes many methods of outreach and this takes time. Enjoy the unfolding of your marketing plan and don’t get hung up on how many books you sold. If you have energy, enthusiasm and know why your book matters you will attract opportunities to yourself.
  • What are the common book PR rookie mistakes to avoid? Putting all their eggs in one basket and trying to do it all themselves. Do what you can yourself, but hire a PR pro with a history of success in the method of outreach you would like to have. For example, if you want to be a guest on radio talk shows, hire the best radio booking publicist in the industry that fits your financial situation. At our firm, Annie Jennings PR, you can get the finest radio talk show bookings in the industry with lots of pricing options.

Annie Jennings PR Top Publicity Expert

            • Annie Jennings of the national PR firm, Annie Jennings PR, says, “I created publicity strategies to help people access the world via sharing their message.”

            I created a PR world that allows the author to be heard out in the world rather than be kept out due to cost. Many PR firms charge very high monthly retainers whereas at our firm, we have services that help authors live their book out loud and not be kept out due to price. Annie is an author advocate who works for the benefit of the authors Nothing pleases Annie more than her authors being heard out in the world!

  • How can I get the best publicist for my new book? LOVE this question. Hire the publicist with the experience, savvy and media relationships in the areas you wish to access. The idea is to create a team of experts all working at their highest levels of talent for you.
  • Does getting booked on a radio talk show sell books? Does it help me share my book’s message? Yes, radio is a fast track to a book’s sales depending . . . depending on what? Lots of factors are in play such as the topic of the book, the point of view and credentials of the author. A radio interview can act as an audition for the sale. With radio, you are up close and personal with a rather large audience. If they like you, your conversation, they could say, ‘I want more of this author’, and bingo, there’s your sale.

Book promotion links of interest: KindleUnlimited, Bowker, KDP Select, Amazon, 


Book promotion strategy for author marketing Annie Jennings PRPowerful author marketing and book PR publicity strategies include getting media interviews on:

  • Radio talk shows that have a profile that accepts your topic.
  • TV shows that have an audience that might be a good fit for your book’s subject matter.
  • Online media outlets are a great way to get your book out to readers.

The important thing to remember is that each of the media outlets listed above has a profile of the type of guest they like to have on show. This is because the guest would be of interest to the media outlet’s demographic. Radio, TV, big brand Online media are powerful venues for publicity, exposure, building credibility, maximizing sales and overall publicity. They help your message, your name and your book be seen, heard or read about in the world. To sell books, one of the keys is to go where your audience goes. Get in front of your audience using a myriad of outreach strategies.

The media outlets above also serve to create a strong media bio that can lead to more media bookings. A strong media presence can also lead to speaking gigs, consulting opportunities and new book deals. In a nutshell, media begets a lot of opportunities. As Annie says, “the best thing you can do to showcase you and your book is to be heard in the world via radio, TV or online media bookings.”

Follow authors and publishers on social media.

Social Media Book Promotion Tips #AnnieJenningsPRA good idea is to follow other authors and publishers via social media to get an overview of their book marketing strategies. You may find that many authors are using lots of social media to promote their books. They are sharing their media placements via their social media communities. Authors are adding their media placements to their website as well as adding their media accomplishments in their bio. This helps build your brand as you are seen as a relevant author active in the media. Authors are offering a free book or chapter on their website and promoting it on their social media communities such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Do you have an email newsletter and mailing list?

Email Or Ezine Newsletter Book Publicity Strategy With #AnnieJenningsPRSpread the word! Respectfully email your target market however provide value. I see a lot of author emails about the book only and I get the feeling the author will be disappointed with the result of the broadcast email. It’s not your fault. It’s just that so many services, products, TV channels, digital outlets are all promoting to your audience to buy their services. If you send a “buy my book” email, you might annoy your audience as they may be thinking that your email is just another “buy me now” and it’s not. Your book is filled with useful information. Well, tell them that!

Use your email newsletter and mailing list to market your book wisely. Over the years you may have built up a list of contacts where you can email information about why your book would be of interest to them. Always be thinking “what’s in my book that the reader will appreciate?” and market from there. Also, look over your website to be sure you are collecting emails from those who visit your site. Of course, provide a high-quality reward for signing up to your email newsletter such as a free chapter of your book, an article on a topic your visitors would appreciate or free ebook. Or you can offer a limited tip series for just a few days or a week with a daily email that showcases some of the content of your book.

A good marketing plan would include a link back to your website in the freebies you offer those who sign up for your newsletter. A good website to check out every now and then for trends online and new tech information is

Find book reviewers via google search, LinkedIn profiles or #bookreviews search on social media.

Book Promotion Social Media Marketing Annie Jennings PRGoogle book reviewers and book review websites to find outlets that might review your book. Book reviews help others decide if your book is a good choice for their needs. With so many books available for purchase many readers rely on book reviews to help them decide whether or not to buy your book. Amazon book reviews are powerful as the price of books seems to get higher and higher creating the desire for the reader to be sure that your book is right for them. When possible, offer a copy of your book to those wishing to read it and leave a (hopefully positive) review on Amazon and other online retail booksellers.

Should you offer a free book or ebook?

Free Book Publicity Strategy With #AnnieJenningsPRGo ahead and make someone’s day. There is nothing like a free book by an author you know, love and trust. The prices of books, including ebooks, have been inching up over the years. If your reader is an avid reader at some point, they may not feel spending so much on books is in their budget and they might take advantage of their local library. Yes, if offering a free book fits in with your overall marketing plan. You can offer a free book if a reader signs up for your newsletter or business services.

This marketing tip works well if you think of your book as a calling card for new business. Be sure to mail out a hard copy to those who sign up with your business card and a nice note inside the book. This builds a touchpoint with a prospective client that they will remember. With this in mind, your signup form for the free book would have to request their street address, city, state and zip code.

Book promotion timelines for getting media bookings.

Book Promotion Strategies Annie Jennings PRKeep in mind that there are various timelines to getting each type of media placement.  This is because your topic has to fit in with your target media’s programming and article schedule.

Using a professional publicity expert can shorten these timelines. Publicists are generally booking the media on a regular basis so they can move your booking along much faster. Keep in mind that there are millions of self-published books available and some of the authors are pitching the media directly. Professional publicists have an advantage as they work with the media and have built up relationships and trust with the media. Plus the PR professionals know how to create a segment or article idea that would be of interest to the media outlet.

Get Author Publicity Annie Jennings PR

Radio Publicity Book Promotion Annie Jennings PRBook promotion with radio publicity interviews.

Using radio talk show publicity interviews is an important part of your overall media and publicity strategy. Radio bookings in big cities and on the national shows present authors with a powerful way to promote their books.

Using radio publicity in your marketing plan is inexpensive and easier than physically touring the country. Radio interviews are conducted via telephone called “phoners”. Yes, you can blanket the nation quickly from your own home or office. Authors LOVE this aspect of radio publicity because they can reach out to numerous listeners coast to coast with their interviews.

Being a guest on a radio talk show provides you with lots of social media content for sharing.

No longer are your posts about why people should buy your book. You can let them know you will be on a radio show and let them know they can listen live if they wish as more radio shows are streaming their interviews online.  You can let your social community know what you talked about on the show as this provides insight into your book’s messaging.

Radio interviews in the top cities across the country allow you to promote to millions of people easily. Interviews in the hottest marketing in the country, the Top 35 markets, and nationally syndicated shows are very powerful and can bring you excellent results and widespread exposure.

Book promotion segment and article ideas should be socially relevant.

Book Promotion Tips To Be Socially Relevant With Annie Jennings PR FirmYour topic should tie into the timely news. This creates the most demand for you as a guest or expert. While you are waiting for your publication date, you can get ready for your radio talk show interviews. How? By increasing your awareness of news events relating to your topic. Also, keep a working knowledge of the newest trends in your area of expertise. Many authors will create a blog on their website so they can build a history of commentary on the issues trending and/or making headlines.

Radio publicity is book promotion friendly. You can promote your book on the show!

Radio Publicity With Annie Jennings PR FirmFor author marketing and book promotion, radio talk show publicity campaigns are a good choice. You have more control over the content of a radio interview than you would on TV shows or in online media websites. This makes radio publicity ideal for book promotion. The shows are author and guest friendly and allow you to mention your book. You can also share how the audience can find out more information about you, your book and your business while on the show. Another aspect of appearing on radio shows as a guest is that the show’s call you via telephone for the interview allowing you to reach lots of cities with a phone call. No travel is required.

Radio talk show interviews, as a book marketing strategy, allow you to mention your book’s title several times. Along with your contact information and “how to buy your book” buying info. However, be sure to learn a great guest interview skill set. You can do this by working with a media trainer. You don’t want to sound like an infomercial while being a guest. Your media trainer will help you make the most out of each interview and promote your book in the process.

Unlimited media training helps you become media savvy, prepared and confident in your book promotion.

Media Training For Book Promotion With #AnnieJenningsPRThe first thing you will learn is that dogs are a lot like kids. The second you get on the phone, they need a snack, a toy or a hug. Same thing with your pets. Before each interview that takes place over the phone or via Skype or Zoom, be sure everyone is all fed and comfy. Media training teaches you great interview skills you will use all of the time when speaking with the media.

Annie Jennings PR offers her radio talk show campaign clients unlimited media training. Unlimited media training is offered to help you be prepared, confident and savvy for each of your radio talk show interviews. You will learn how to be a great guest including how to engage the audience, interact with the host of the show and promote your book or interests at the close of your interview. You’ll get lots of practice on delivering your messaging points in a conversational manner. You’ll learn how to showcase your knowledge, expertise and credibility. Your media training is designed to help you share your book’s message in a way that can act as an audition for the sale.  If they feel that your book can help them in a way that is meaningful to them, you just might get a sale!

Radio interviews not only offer you significant outreach but also adds power to your brand. The more radio talk shows you appear on, the stronger your appeal to other media. Using a variety of media strategies that all work together benefits you. There is not just one strategy that works across the board. Usually, it is a combination of radio interviews, online media placements, social media marketing, email newsletter and mailing list marketing.  If you have a lot of tips you would like to share with your followers you can post a daily tip from your book and link back to your site or to Amazon.


Book Promotion Success Story

Book promotion optimization with appearance on TV shows.

TV is excellent for book exposure, name and title recognition. Plus the TV show usually offers a visual of your book’s cover and the title adding to your strategy.  Usually, the host of the show will introduce you as the author of (and name your book title) and mention your area of expertise.

How does TV work for book promotion?

TV segments are generally several minutes long. They may or may not focus on your topic entirely as you might be appearing as a breaking news expert. However, your appearance as a top national expert is a critical element in your book promotion strategy. Be sure to purchase a recording of your TV appearance. This becomes a media asset that can be re-purposed throughout your social media and on your website. You can also share your recording on Youtube to help with your online reputation that can lead to new opportunities, new clients and new success.

A publicist’s job is to know how to break through the clutter and actually get you booked. Our clients enjoy our publicity model as they pay us our booking fee only if they appear on the show. As one client said recently, “I’ll pay Annie all day long for secured media bookings that enhance my competitive advantage.” Ask Annie about our performance publicity model and how our professional publicists can help you get booked on TV shows. All while others are still sending emails asking to get booked on the shows.

Get Author Publicity Annie Jennings PR

Book promotion plans should include pitching to TV shows.

Appearing on TV is vital to any successful book marketing, PR or personal branding campaign. It also adds a lot of power to your platform. Again it is best to work with a publicist who knows the booking criteria of the big shows. They have the relationships in place giving them the advantage.

Getting booked on TV shows is excellent for mega platform building and adds a lot of power and persuasion to your BIO as well. Annie Jennings PR can help you put it all together so it’s YOU at the top. Who doesn’t want to enjoy all the benefits of big bookings? Remember, each show has a profile of the type of guest they like to book on the show.

Book marketing with online media placements.

Online media outlets offer you the ability to tie your expertise into an article, blog post or quote as the expert. The online placement can include your name and the title of your book along with your area of expertise. Features or profiles written about the author and their book are rare. More often, authors are used as experts commenting on the article themes or asked to submit a blog post or article.

What is the best book promotion strategy for Kindle, Author Central and other self-publishing venues?

Safeguard your marketing strategy by making sure a strong radio publicity campaign is the foundation of your book PR strategy. Radio talk shows offer tremendous exposure and are interested in many different topics. It is an excellent investment of your time and resources. Radio interviews are conducted over the telephone (called ‘phoners’) making it very easy for you to get publicity for yourself in many cities without ever leaving your home or office. You save time and money on travel.

Be aware of how various book sites can help you from book reviews to being included on a list of what to read next. Each site has its own advantages but even if you contact just one site per day, you will make lots of progress over time.  Here you go!

Book resources include:
Goodreads, LibraryThing, What Should I Read Next, Bookish, Shelfari, Amazon, BookBub, WhichBook, Riffle.

Want to know how many self-published, print-on-demand books are published each year? Check out as they publish yearly statistics on the book publishing industry. They report on the number of print on demand or self-published books and traditionally published books such as those by a major publishing house. publishes yearly statistics on how many print on demand books are published each year.

Book promotion success starts with an Annie Jennings PR marketing plan.

Get Author Publicity Annie Jennings PR

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