by annie

Book Promotion, Author Book Marketing, Book PR

Tips For Book Promotion, Author Book Marketing, Book PR

Find Out How To Use Book Publicity Strategies To Land Powerful PR

Be sure to ask Annie your publicity questions. Many authors get overwhelmed with the many ways to promote their book along with the vast amount of work that promoting a book seems to entail. Annie can answer your questions about which type of media outreach and author PR will work well for your goals and objectives.

Keep in mind the one of your book’s most powerful deliverables is that it becomes a showcase of your knowledge and helps you build a big brand. People buy books from big brands. Ask Annie which PR strategy can help you build your brand, reputation, gain clout and influence.

  • Why do new book authors want a powerful book launch campaign?
  • Which media outlets deliver the most power for book publicity?
  • Which media outlets pack the most power for creating expert status?
  • What are the common mistakes authors make?
  • What should every book author know about book PR?
  • What are the critical mistakes to avoid when promoting your book?
  • What are the common book PR rookie mistakes to avoid?
  • How can I get the best publicist for my new book?
  • Does getting booked on radio talk show sell books? Does it help me share my book’s message?


Powerful author marketing and book PR publicity strategy includes getting media interviews on radio talk shows, TV and in online media outlets. Each of these media outlets are powerful venues for publicity, exposure, building credibility, maximizing sales and overall publicity.

BOOK MARKETING Timelines For The Media

However, keep in the mind that there are various time lines to getting each type of media placement. TV, print and Internet can take from several months to one year to secure as your segment or mention in an article because your topic has to fit their programming and article schedule. Using a professional publicity expert can shorten these timelines as publicists are generally booking the media on a regular basis so they can move your booking along much faster.

Book Publicity

Author Marketing With Radio Talk Interview Shows

Using radio talk show publicity interviews is an important part of your overall media and publicity strategy. Radio bookings in big cities and on the national shows present authors with a powerful and inexpensive way to promote their books with little effort as compared with physically touring the country. Radio interviews are conducted via telephone. Yes, you can blanket the national quickly from your own home or office.

Radio interviews in the top cities across the country allows you to promote to millions of people easily. Interviews in the hottest marketing in the country, the Top 35 markets, and nationally syndicated shows are very powerful and can bring you excellent results and widespread exposure. Your topic should tie into the timely neww as this creates the most demand for your as a guest or expert. While you are waiting for your publication date, you can get ready for your radio talk show interviews by increasing your awareness of news events relating to your topic and keeping a working knowledge of the newest trends in your area of expertise.

Radio Talk Show Publicity For Book PR

For author marketing, radio talk show publicity campaigns are a good choice. You have more control over the content of a radio interview than you would have on TV shows or in newspapers and magazines making radio ideal for book promotion strategies.

Radio talk show interviews, as a book marketing strategy, allows you to mention your book’s title several times, your contact information and “how to buy your book” buying info. However, be sure to learn media training strategy so you do not sound like an infomercial while being a guest and can make the most out of each interview and promote your book in the process. Annie Jennings PR offers her radio talk show campaign clients with unlimited media training so your can be prepared, confident and savvy for each interview. Learning how to properly position your book is critical to your overall success and radio not only offers you significant outreach but also adds power to your brand. The more radio talk shows you appear on, the stronger your appeal to other media. The one thing about using a variety of media strategies is that they all work together in a way that benefits you. Don’t worry if you have questions. Ask Annie!


Book Promotion Success Story

Book Promotion Optimization

TV is excellent for book exposure, name and title recognition plus the TV show usually offers a visual of your book’s cover and the title of your book adding to your strategy.  The TV show usually introduces you as the author and mentions your area of expertise.

TV For Author Marketing

TV segments are generally several minutes long and may or may not focus on your topic entirely as you might be appearing as a breaking news expert, however your appearance on a top national expert is a critical element in your book promotion strategy. Be sure to purchase a recording of your TV appearance as this become a media asset that can be re-purposed throughout your social media, placed on your website and on your media page, shared on your Youtube and used to land new opportunities, new clients and new success. To get booked on TV though, is one area where working with a publicist is to your advantage. Remember, everyone else wants to get booked on the show too. But a publicist’s job is know how to break through the clutter and actually get you booked. Our Annie Jennings PR clients enjoy our publicity model as they pay us our booking fee only if they appear on the show. As one client said recently, “I’ll pay Annie all day long for secured media bookings that enhance my competitive advantage”. Ask Annie about our performance division and how our professional publicists can help you get booked on TV shows while others are still sending emails asking to be on TV.

National TV Is Excellent For Outstanding Exposure

Appearing on the national TV shows offers authors and experts the opportunity for tremendous exposure across the country with just one interview. And you can appear on many shows increasing your visibility, media credentials and adding to your ability to be an influencer in your area of expertise. But in our experience, we have a strategy that builds up authors and experts so they fit the criteria for getting a booking on the national TV shows. But it can happen fast as well. As one client says “with Annie, be careful what you wish for because she will get it for you”.

Book Publicity

Book Promotion Plans Should Include Pitching To TV Shows

Appearing on TV is vital to any successful book marketing, PR or personal branding campaign. TV also adds lot of power to your platform. Again it’s best to work with a publicist who knows the booking criteria of the big shows as they have the relationships in place giving them the advantage. TV is excellent for mega platform building and adds lot of power and persuasion to your BIO as well. Annie Jennings PR can help you put it all together so it’s YOU at the top enjoying all the benefits of the big bookings. It’s what we do. It’s where we specialize.

Book Marketing In Print Media

Magazine and Newspaper articles offer you the ability to tie your expertise into an article as the expert. They can offer you a quote or two to you and include your name and the title of your book. Features or profiles written about the author and their book are rare and more often, authors are used as experts commenting on the article themes.

How To Safeguard Your Book PR Strategy

Safeguard your marketing strategy by making sure a strong radio campaign is the foundation of your book PR strategy. Radio talk shows offer a tremendous exposure factor, is versatile and open to many different topics and is an excellent investment of your time and resources. Interviews are conducted over the telephone making it very easy for you to get publicity for yourself plus you can Share your message with people everywhere, mention your book title several times during the interview and enjoy lots of sales!

Book Promotion Success Starts With Annie Jennings PR


Book Publicity