Business Promotion, Marketing & Publicity
Annie Jennings PR is a major provider of business promotion services to companies that want to appear in the media.
Start with a good business promotion strategy, marketing and publicity plan.Clients love to work with people they feel they know already, they love to work with businesses that treat them fairly and they love to work with people they trust. And it’s easy to create a strong business that delivers these there elements of know, love and trust. Media creates national expert status. This creates a brand. A brand creates community. A brand attracts opportunity.
Always stay active. Our motto is to “be everywhere at all times”. To create a business promotion model where everyone seems to know your name, be sure to stay visible to your market. You can write articles for your local paper, sponsor community events, buy advertising, initiate an online marketing campaign, get your business listing online, build a website . . . and more. The idea is to be seen everywhere. Go to your clients.
They will love you for it and tell others. Lay down a set of principles or rules that your business will abide by when dealing with your customers. Word of mouth can be worth a million dollars of business for you. But it works both ways, in that good word of mouth will creates lots of success and income for you but bad word of mouth can set the stage for ruin. Rule of thumb? Treat your customers like “a million bucks”!
HELP YOUR CLIENTS UNDERSTAND HOW YOU CAN HELP THEM: Educate your clients with additional services that can help them make choices for themselves. Remember, the days of selling snake oil are over. You have to offer products or services that deliver the outcome for your client that will help them move their business model forward. No one likes the hard sell and it makes them not trust you. Adopt a philosophy and be consistent in your messages to your marketing. Keep your publicity, promotion and marketing strong, creative, message oriented and again, consistent.
Publicity Articles
Publicity Strategy, Book Trailers, Author Videos
- Create Your Ultimate Competitive Advantage
- Real Success Stories
- Book Publicity For High Powered Author PR
- Videos, Book Trailers, Online Commercials
Book Promotion, Book Marketing & Book PR
Publicity Strategy
- Business Strategy For Success
- Business Strategy With Publicity
- Create A Wildly Successful Business
- Working With A PR FIRM
Book Promotion & Marketing
- Book Marketing Strategy
- Author Publicity Tips To Create Expert Status Now
- Public Relations Firm & You
Radio Publicity Talk Show Campaign
Get Booked On TV – Appear On TV For Competitive Advantage
- Get TV Publicity To Create Celebrity Status
- Get Booked On TV To Create Influence, Credibility & Clout