by annie

Book Promotion | Book Marketing

Book Marketing Tips, Ideas & Strategies

The good news is that you have a book that is ready to market. Very nice.

Now comes the part about getting your book’s message out into the world. The first thing to decide is if you want to have active or passive publicity. Active is fun. Active publicity is when you are involved in your book’s debut out into the world and become its champion. Our authors love our campaigns as we agree that active publicity offers you the best experience of all.

You can also decide to go with passive publicity (boring) and nothing much will happen. You might get reports with lots of numbers on them but at the end of the day you will have to admit by your personal experience that quite truly, nothing much happened that excited you and invoked your passion. Passive is when you send out a press release via a wire service (and yes, this costs a lot of money), spend the entire day hoping and wishing for big media interest to come your way and yet, then numbers might come in such as your “release was distributed hundreds of thousands of outlets” and that sounds impressive, but that’s it. Nothing else happened.

Your book’s message was never heard by anyone.

There is way too much clutter in the way.

So what does our PR firm do? We bring you right straight to the media and walk away with ACTIVE PR for you and your book. Our clients love it but so very often they have to waste money on passive strategies as this is a business that has a tendency to get your trapped into what others think is right for you. But always ask yourself, in your heart, what is right for you. Do you want to be “distributed”? or walked right into meaningful media with result that you and your book is being actively heard about across the USA. Our happy authors have made this choice for themselves and many after they lost their money in passive.

How do we know? Please visit our real stories of success on this website and listen. Just listen to the authors tell their stories of how our firm saw the good in them, realized their potential, provided them with all the services (for free) that they needed to live the dream they have held in their heart since they thought about writing a book. You can hear the passion in their voice and the success in their stories.

Is success only for other people. No! And this is exactly the point. Success is for you. Annie Jennings PR believes in each and every authors we work with and the goal is to get your message heard to as many people as possible given the media that is available to you.

Just say NO to passive publicity. Just say YES to you being on the air, totally confident & savvy, sharing your message. Now the good things start to happen to you. Our authors report that many good things happened as a result of working with us. They got calls from new clients, they got speaking events, they landed big contracts.

Do you want to be next? Why not? Let yourself experience Annie Jennings PR. All authors should experience the sheer joy of their work being appreciated and Annie Jennings PR knows how to expand your voice, messaging and confidence in ways you will be truly proud of.

Many authors and experts continue to search for successful marketing plans and author publicity strategies from being a guest on a radio talk show to being booked as an expert on TV shows. These are top level media opportunities that are hard to access. Our best advice is to work with a professional publicity expert who had deep ties within the industry and enjoys a strong name brand within the media industry.

Book Marketing With Top Publicist For Books Gives You An Edge

Using a top publicist give you an advantage as experience is the key. Advanced book marketing publicists know where the action in in publicity and can bring you there. They know how to develop you so the media will take an interest in booking you and your book.

If you want to have a substantial marketing and branding strategy to edge out your competitors, working with a high-powered, established #1 PR firm can help you. The good news is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to accomplish your goal and objectives. Writing a book that showcases your knowledge helps a great deal as you have your intellectual property, thoughts, ideas, philosophies showcased in one place – your book. Writing a book to help market your business has many advantages that’s for sure. Many authors provide signed copies of their book as part of their strategic marketing plan and find that this strategy works well to keep them in front of their target market.

Get Book Promotion Services

People love reading books and obtaining knowledge so as an expert trying to get more marketing bang for your buck, try writing a book to help you access more clients. A word of warning is to avoid the temptation to put too much advertising in the book as this might damage your credibility.

Use Publicity To Help Brand Yourself

Numerous authors and experts use media to help them brand themselves. So why not you too? Branding is essential to marketing. Make sure you are seen and heard in your target clients business space as someone who is smart, strong and making a different. Get booked on radio talk show interviews and TV shows as a commenting expert.. Stay current about the issues can conversations currently going on in your industry so you are up to date and ready for the media that connects with you.

What’s The Return On Investment On Your Book Marketing Strategy?

One of the issues that seems to come up a lot when speaking to potential clients is that they really do not know how to leverage their PR so that it brings them in new revenue, such as new clients, opportunities and speaking events or other product sales. The first place I look is the person’s website because most conversion strategies start with the site just not working right. There is usually a lot of clutter with no real directive for the visitor to find what they want. If you have a high bounce rate on your website, it is an indication that the visitor did not see what they wanted to see. It’s the first place to start.

How? Pretend you are a prospective client. Go to your site to buy something. See if you can find the information you are looking for quickly. Now, this might not yield a fair assessment as you know your site. Now ask a friend who does not know you site. Ask they to go buy a one hour consults, a video, a book or whatever it is you have for sale. How long until they give up? Don’t worry, everything can be fixed. You just have to know what to fix.

I also advise businesses to know their clients will receive from doing business with them. In other words, what’s in it for them? Knowing the ROI of the services they offer can only strengthen their business model. If your services allows your clients to compete at a higher level that is very good, and if your clients go without your service, their sales would drop, I would say that should create a loyal client for you.

Get Author Publicity Annie Jennings PR

Marketing Strategy For Books & Creating Expert Status

Annie Jennings PR is a top national PR firm with a high established brand in both the book author world and in the world of media. The media consistently books this firms clients as they know that with Annie’s professional PR team preparing the author/guest expert, the guest will be excellent. Our firm perfects your style, conversation and entire presentation to the media.

Top Publicist Shares PR Advice

BE SOCIALLY RELEVANT: What is being a socially relevant expert and author? And that is the question that you, as an author or as can expert has to learn to answer. An author or expert who is able to apply their experience, education, credentials, wisdom and knowledge to issues that are important to society today. Read all of the periodicals, newspapers, magazines and blogs you can as you have to know where the story is in it’s cycle. So follow stories of interest to your area of expertise to develop a rich history of knowledge that will serve you in your publicity goals and media booking. The more experienced the guest in their depth of knowledge, the better.

Some Authors Say Annie Jennings PR Is The Best Book Marking Publicist

And why would they not say that. Annie has been in business for many years and knows the markets inside and out. She knows what they like to cover and what style experts they like to book. She knows the deliverables and benefits to her clients of her bookings. And she can quickly point out areas to quickly fix on the authors end that might have wound up hurting them. Annie has an eye for the booking, an eye for how to develop a client according to what they want to accomplish. It’s always what the client wants with Annie. One of Annie’s clients lightheartedly warns “be careful what you wish for, as Annie will get it for you”. Why not?

Why Is Blogging Good For Book Marketing?

BOOK MARKETING CAN BE EVEN MORE POWERFUL AS BLOGGING IS THE KEY: The perfect format for becoming a socially relevant expert is to create a blog where you can create, expand and develop your intellectual point of view. A blog works well because it is formal enough so that you will give it your best shot but not intimidating so you don’t do it at all. Get started forming an opinion about the news in your area of expertise and write your reaction and commentary about the issues on your blog. You will get the chance to learn how to form and opinion and express your opinion in short sentences that are known in the publicity and media industry as sound bites. Keep your content fresh, relevant and based in the news of the day. Being prepared and ready to go when the media call is important to you. They want the top guests for their media outlets as the media wants to stay next level and cutting edge in their reporting so keep your commentary on what is happening right now.
Why not give the media what they want? An educated, media savvy, top level guest?

Author Publicity, Book Marketing And Promoting A Book

AUTHOR EXPERT BLOGGING TIPS: Many people wonder how often they should blog. I would say as much as possible. But don’t blog just for the sake of blogging but blog when the inspiration hits – when the blog can practically write itself. Blogging everyday is a great start but certainly when there is a news event where you can offer insight and commentary. When breaking news hits, you want to keep your finger on the pulse of what is happening and follow the history of the story. You should always know what is happening right now in your industry so as soon as the news breaks, get blogging as this will be picked up by google as well. Who knows, the media has been known to search Google for more information and you blog could come up for them opening the door to you being a great source for them. Plus, this way, you will know exactly what is happening in the stories you are following.

Author Publicity

CUTTING EDGE FOR BOOK AUTHORS SEEKING PUBLICITY DOES IT BEST: Authors and experts don’t forget to give your newest, most cutting edge commentary about the issues. After blogging for a few weeks, this skill set, of being next level, will start to happen naturally. You’ll be able to spot the new angle, the fresh commentary, the logical next set of conversation points pertaining to the story. As the story progresses, you will develop a rich history of knowledge that will start to set you apart from your competitors and that’s good for you. Now, you are able to give better and more meaningful commentary on the issues which leads to more insight into the challenges in your industry. This is what builds a solid expert that will be in demand. People will naturally be interested in your work and your books too.

Author Marketing, Book Publicity Secrets

BOOK AUTHORS SHOULD BE AN ORIGINAL THINKER. The more authors and experts study the issues and then blog or comment about it, the more your comments will be fresh and original. The media wants YOUR perspective and remember, you are applying your knowledge credentials experience and wisdom to the issues under discussion. The more you do it, the easier it is to create appropriate and solid commentary quickly. Start to think in terms of solutions – such as, if I had to solve this problem how would I do it? Try to think of new solutions and new commentary to the problems facing society in your area of expertise. The spark of creativity is fueled by your “blogging” foundation. Trust the process. Let your natural intelligence and experience work for you. This strategy works for you and its great for book sales too as your readers have had a chance to sample your ability as an advanced thinker.

Get Author Publicity Annie Jennings PR

Marketing A Book, Author Publicity, Expert On TV


Publicity Strategy, Book Trailers, Author Videos

Book Promotion, Book Marketing & Book PR

Publicity Strategy

Book Promotion & Marketing

Radio Publicity Talk Show Campaign

Get Booked On TV – Appear On TV For Competitive Advantage

Book Marketing

Get Author Publicity Annie Jennings PR